Nervous system I: Cells, Resting potential, Action potential

Central nervous system

-          CNS is brain and spinal cord

-          integration

Peripheral nervous system

-          is all the rest of the nervous system


Cells of the nervous system

-          Neurons (Fig 43.2)

o   functional cell of the nervous system

o   dendrites collect nerve impulses from other neurons (or can be quite specialized in sensory neurons)

o   cell body contains nucleus and bulk of cytoplasm

o   axon sends nerve impulses away from cell body

§  there is always only one axon

§  axon hillock – first part of axon, has key role in deciding whether to send a nerve impulse down the axon

§  synaptic terminal is specialized to communicate with another neuron or an effector cell at synapse


-          Glia

o   support cells of nervous system

o   different types

§  Schwan cells

·         Wrap membrane around axons of many neurons in peripheral nervous system, forming myelin sheath

§  oligodendrocytes

·         make myelin sheath in CNS

§  astrocytes

·         causes the cells of the endothelium in capillaries of the brain to form lots of tight junctions, thus creating the blood-brain barrier

o   secretes factors that tell the endothelium to make more tight junctions


Types of neurons

-          sensory (afferent)

o   designed to detect stimuli (light, heat, pH, touch) and transfer info to CNS

o   long axons



-          motor (efferent)

o   send signals away from CNS and produce some response

§  that can be movement, but also secretion or other effects

§  long axons

-          interneurons

o   connects neurons in the CNS to each other

o   this allows lots of complex interactions (thinking)

o   usually short axons


Reflex arcs (Fig. 43.4)

-          shows how sensory, motor, interneurons work

-          rapid response to simple stimuli

o   sensory detects

o   brings impulse to spinal cord

o   synapses with a motor neuron and also (perhaps) an interneuron

o   signal sent out the motor neuron to respond to stimulus

o   interneuron then might send signal to brain


Electrical concepts in neuron function

-          voltage is tendency for electrically charged particles to move between two points

o   kind of like pressure is to water

o   opposite charges attract, so positively charged things like to be next to negatively charged things

o   like charges repel each other

-          so separating ions causes a difference in electrical potential, or voltage

o   if ions are separated across a membrane, called a membrane potential

§  measured in mV


The resting potential

-          We can use a voltage meter to measure membrane potential, find it about -70mV (Fig. 43.5)

o   First done in the ‘40s on giant squid axons

o   Now use glass microelectrodes for much smaller neurons

o   Due to differences in ion concentrations across membranes

-          How is resting potential generated?

o   sodium-potassium pump (Na+/K+ ATPase) protein pumps three Na+ OUT and two K+ IN

§  so three positive charges out for every two in

§  needs ATP to do that

§  excess of positive charge outside relative to inside

o   ion channels in membrane – dominant are sodium and potassium ion channels

§  K+ channels open (“leak”) more than sodium ones

o   Anionic proteins in the cell

§  Cannot cross membrane

-          How do we know which way an ion will move across a membrane?

o   For each ion there is a concentration gradient, but also a membrane potential or electrical gradient (an electrochemical gradient)

o   So how do we combine these to know which way an ion goes?

o   Nernst equation tells us

§  This allows you to find the equilibrium potential for an ion – that is, what potential would the membrane have to have in order to make that ion be at equilibrium and have no net movement across (Fig. 43.7)

§  E=60mVlog10 ([X extracellular]/[X intracellular])

·         60mV is a constant that depends on temp and the ion

§  Find that -70mV is close to equilibrium potential of K+ ions (-75mV)

§  BUT, far away from equilibrium potential of Na+ ions (+54mV)

·          So under physiological conditions Na+ really wants into the cell because both electrical and concentration gradients favor that


The Action Potential (nerve impulse) (Fig. 43.10)

-          Depolarization – when membrane potential becomes less negative

-          Hyperpolarization – when membrane potential becomes more negative

-          The action potential

o   this is generated by voltage-gated channels

§  transmembrane ion channel proteins that open or close in response to changes in membrane potential

o   if sodium channel opens, Na+ rushes in and depolarizes the cell

o   at normal resting potential, most of these channels are closed

o   cell has to depolarize to threshold potential for them to open, usually around -50 mV

o   if a few enough Na+ channels open, threshold potential is reached

o   then more sodium channels in that region of membrane open

§  Na+ rushes in and depolarizes membrane

o   then channels close because of “inactivation gate”

o   depolarizing to the threshold potential also causes voltage gated K+ channels to open, but there is a 1ms delay in these channels opening

§  K+ rushes out and repolarizes the membrane

o   Then membrane slowly returns to normal

o   there is a 1-2ms refractory period during which another action potential cannot be generated

§  this is when Na+ channels are closed and cannot be opened because inactivation gate is in the way

o   action potential never lessens, it is all or nothing, either membrane is depolarized or it is not

o   cannot reverse, because part of membrane it came from is in refractory period (Fig. 43.11)


Saltatory conduction (Fig. 43.12)

-          most peripheral and some CNS neurons sheathed in myelin

-          gaps in this are called nodes of Ranvier

-          depolarization jumps from one to next

-          called saltatory conduction

-          increases speed of action potential down neuron
