

How does an organism support itself, protect itself, and move?

Three kinds of skeletons

-          Hydrostatic skeleton

-          exoskeleton

-          endoskeleton

o   all serve one or more of these functions

§  support

§  protection

§  locomotion


Hydrostatic skeleton

-          fluid under pressure in a closed compartment

-          works well in aquatic environment or lying on ground, but cannot support animal above ground

-          fluid doesn’t compress very much, so squeezing one side makes another side change shape

o   worms of various kinds

o   bands of muscles squeeze and change shape of animal



-          hard skeleton on outside of body

o   Mollusks

§  Chitin strengthened with minerals like calcium salts

o   Insects

§  Chitin

-          Big problem with exoskeletons is that animal needs to shed them to grow in size, during which time it is vulnerable.



-          Vertebrates, sponges, echinoderms (starfish and others)

-          internal skeleton

o   sponges and echinoderms have protein/mineral structures

§  plates or other shapes (spicules)

o   cartilage

§  cells in gelatinous semisolid matrix

o   bone

§  cells in a solid matrix mainly calcium phosphate and protein collagen




Is produced by muscles attaching to skeleton

How does an organism move?

-          must attach muscle to two things, so can pull

-          attached to bone or exoskeleton

o   tendons attach muscles to bones

-          at a joint, two bones come together.


Muscle types

in all muscle cells, two proteins, actin and myosin, are organized into filaments

o   they slide past each other, and this is the basis of muscle movement

-          skeletal muscle

o   voluntary movements under voluntary controls

o   cells fuse together to form a fiber

o   a muscle is a bunch of muscle fibers arranged in bundles wrapped by connective tissue (Fig. 46.3a)

o   striated – because can see lines in fiber

-          cardiac muscle

o   in heart

o   cardiac muscle cells branch – this is unique to these cells

o   connections between cells are intercalated discs

§  tight junctions

o   connected with gap junctions

o   some are specialized to be pacemaker cells – initiate own depolarizations and cause heartbeat (in SA node)

-          smooth muscle

o   contractile force for most internal organs – digestive, emptying of bladder, lining of arteries

o   not under voluntary control

o   arranged in sheets with gap junctions between


Contraction in skeletal muscle

-          muscle fibers are arranged into sarcomeres – these are the product of an arrangement of actin and myosin (Fig. 46.3b, 46.5)

-          myosin in big bunch in middle

-          actin filaments surround – 6 around each myosin bunch

-          actin filaments anchored to other proteins which make up the end of the sarcomere

-          one sarcomere is between two of these (two Z lines in Fig46.3b)

-          Huxley proposed sliding filament model for muscle contraction

o   actin and myosin slide past each other as the muscle contracts

o   causes each sarcomere to shorten (Fig. 46.4)

o   therefore, whole muscle shortens

How do actin and myosin slide? (Fig. 46.7)

-          actin and myosin interact


How is this initiated? (Fig. 46.10, 46.9)

-          a single neuron can make neuromuscular junctions

-          when neurotransmitter released, opens Na+ channels and causes depolarization

-          spreads along fiber membrane and into the fiber by T tubules (a specialized invagination of plasma membrane)

-          this depolarization causes sarcoplasmic reticulum to release Ca2+

-          so Ca2+ concentration in sarcoplasm increases

-          this binds to the protein troponin (Fig.46.8)

-          troponin and tropomyosin are proteins which bind to actin, and in absence of Ca2+, thy cover binding sites of myosin

-          troponin changes shape, leading associated tropomyosin to change position

-          this uncovers binding sites for myosin on actin, and away we go with contraction