Circulatory systems and hearts

Function of circulatory systems

-          To transport necessary materials to animal’s cells

-          To transport waste products away

Circulatory system design

-          Gastrovascular cavity

o   Simple

o   One cavity functions as digestive tract and sort of circulatory system

o   Cnidarians, jellyfish, hydra

o   As animal moves, this cavity is squeezed and churned, some also have cilia

-          Open circulatory system

·         have a pump (heart)

·         but no blood vessels

·         it is just pumped into the body cavity and sloshes around

·         the more the animal moves, the more the fluid moves around, makes it more efficient

·         insects and mollusks have this

·         fluid is called hemolymph

-          closed circulatory system

o   have a pump (heart)

o   and fluid (blood) stays within blood vessels all the time

o   mostly “higher” organisms, but also worms

o   active lifestyles

o   advantage

§  can pump blood to where it is most needed, like active tissues or gut when digesting a meal


Design of closed circulatory systems – two types

-          single circulation (fish) (Fig. 47.4a)

o   heart has two chambers

§  atrium, to collect blood from tissues

§  ventricle, to pump blood out of heart

o   blood goes from heart to gills

§  gases exchanged – CO2 from tissues leaves, O2 from water comes in

§  blood is at low pressure here

§  this is disadvantage in getting blood to rest of tissues, it must happen at low pressure

-          double circulation (crocs, birds, mammals) (Fig. 47.4c)

o   heart has four chambers

o   blood is pumped through two distinct circuits, and never mixes

§  pulmonary – blood from the right side of the heart goes to the lungs

§  systemic – blood from left side of heart goes to the tissues

o   deoxygenated blood is collected from body in right atrium

o   goes to right ventricle

o   goes from right ventricle to lung, where gas exchange occurs

o   goes back to left atrium

o   goes to left ventricle

o   goes out to body at high pressure and velocity – good for efficient gas exchange

-          intermediate circulation (amphibians and reptiles) (Fig. 47.4 b)

o   partial separation of pulmonary and systemic circulation

o   two atria, but one ventricle

o   so oxygenated and deoxygenated blood is mixed



-          connective tissue (has matrix (fluid) between cells)

-          transports O2 (to cells) and CO2 (to lungs or gills) and also lots of other things

o   hormones

o   glucose

o   proteins

o   etc.

-          has cellular and fluid part

o   cellular

§  RBCs (by far majority 99.9%)

·         To transport O2

·         Live about 120 days, constantly being made and destroyed

·         In humans no nucleus or most organelles

o   Anemia – too few RBCs

o   Polycythemia – too many RBCs

·         Packed with hemoglobin (Fig. 47.7)

o   O2 carrier of blood

o   Made of 4 chains of protein globin

o   Plus heme

§  O2 carrier, so each hemoglobin carries 4 O2

§  Carried on iron atom

§  WBCs

·         Immune system

§  Platelets

·         Initiate blood clotting

§  If centrifuge blood, cell volume is hematocrit

·         38% men, 46% women

o   Fluid (plasma)

§  90% water

§  Various other, glucose, salts and ions, proteins


The Heart

Four chambers

-          two atria

o   right atrium collects blood from body

o   left atrium collects blood from lungs

-          separated by one-way atrioventricular valves from ventricles

-          ventricles

o   collect blood from atria

o   pump to

§  right ventricle to lung

§  left ventricle to rest of body

§  one-way valves here too (semilunar valves)

·         First vessels to branch are coronary arteries which supply O2 to heart muscle.  It does not get O2 from the blood inside the chambers.


-          atria contract first, then ventricles

-          begins in sinoatrial node in rt atrium.  Wave of depolarization causes atria to contract.

-          The depolarization is spread to ventricles a fraction of a second later by atrioventricular node because of connective tissue which separates atria from ventricles.  AV node is cardiac muscle.

o   contraction of ventricles is called systole (systolic pressure)

o   relaxation is diastole (diastolic pressure)

§  these can be measured by sphygmomanometer in your peripheral arteries

§  Normal is 120/80 for male, about 10-15 less for  women.   Measured in sphygmomanometer in mmHg.


-          Electrocardiogram (Fig. 47.11)

-          measures electrical activity of the heart

-          P, QRS, T waves happen when different things happening in heart