Links to Federal Reserve, FRED, and Fed-In-Print

        Links to data and information about the NIPA, labor statistics, and CPI at

The sites below provide access to data, information, reports, and publications with links to many other useful economic, financial, government, and business sites; the Federal Reserve Banks' sites have links to all the others in the system.

Federal Reserve Board of Governors

Federal Reserve District Banks:

Four very useful FRB sites are:

            FRED macroeconomic database at the St. Louis FRB

            FRASER historical monetary/banking/macroeconomic database at the St. Louis FRB

            ALFRED "vintage" versions of economic data at the St. Louis FRB

            Fed-In-Print -- a comprehensive index to Federal Reserve research

Links to John Olson's course pages for:
            ECON 333 (Macroeconomic Theory)         ECON 374 (Monetary Theory & Policy)

            ECON 384 (Advanced Research Project in Economics)

Link to John Olson's Links page at

Link to John Olson's homepage

page last up-dated and checked 1/9/2014